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Turbosound FlexArray в Евангелисткой церкви (англ. версия)


Turbosound FlexArray в Евангелисткой церкви (англ. версия)

IN THE SUMMER OF 2010 Jeff Cameron of Encore Broadcast Equipment Sales, Inc began communications between STS, Atlantic Professional Audio's installation division, and the Evangelistic Temple in Nassau, Bahamas. Encore and STS have collaborated on numerous occasions where a performance audio installation is needed.

Later that year, Cameron brought Craig Beyrooti, CEO of Atlantic Professional Audio, to Nassau for a site visit with Head Pastor Gary Curry. The temple would be finishing construction of a new building over the next year and was in need of performance audio design-build services. After determining and understanding the temple's vision, STS presented a complete solution including pictorial schematics, fully explaining the install proposal and after a couple of visits the design was complete.

Beyrooti saw the temple's 8,500+ square foot sanctuary as an excellent fit for a Turbosound Flex Array loudspeaker system based on the architecture of the room and style of worship. "In a modern church with a praise & worship band and a lot of spoken word Flex Array is an excellent choice because of its smooth vocal projection and response. The sound character remains constant irrespective of level. Loud or soft, the rig sounds fantastic," he said.

Though only a skip away, the Bahamas is a foreign country and the logistics of installing were inevitably going to be demanding. Head of STS Michael Ramey and his crew flew to Nassau to install the sizable sound system.

The final agreed design consisted of six Flex Array TFA-600H mid/highs per side, two NuQ-12s for outfills, six NuQ-6s across the lip of the stage, and seven NuQ-8s for under balcony fills hung 50 feet from the PA. Four TSW-218 subwoofers completed the system, which was powered by twelve Turbosound RACKDP-50 amplifiers. While all the flown speakers were finished in white to compliment the sanctuary walls and ceiling, Turbosound pulled its legendary TurboBlue speaker paint out of storage so that the front fills and monitors would match the church's blue carpeted platform. Special thanks to Florida's Turbosound Representatives Clinton Muntean and Michael Palmer for their assistance.

In a further customization of the system, STS installed a 94 speaker distro system which provided audio to surrounding hallways, bathrooms, support offices and nursery.

By December, the install had been completed and Beyrooti, together with Darryl Phillips, joined Ramey in Nassau a final time in order to tune the room. Phillips, who mixes in excess of 200 shows per year for APA's event division, stayed on a few extra days and helped Media Director Charles Burrows II with sound checks.

Finally, all the work paid off and ET members got to utilize their facility at the first service on December 4, 2011. Ramey and Phillips stayed to enjoy it and ensured everything went smoothly. Afterwards, STS was invited to sit with the church board and elders for lunch. Everyone was extremely thankful and pleased. Burrows had this to say, "Atlantic Pro Audio has exceeded my expectations; from the start of the project, there was a high level of professionalism. Atlantic Pro Audio went above and beyond to accommodate us; their service was exceptional. Once the project started, I felt secure that it would be handled properly. The audio system is excellent; its clarity and intelligibility are very high. It sounds natural, fills the hall evenly and a full sounding low end rounds it off nicely."

Jeff Cameron also felt secure that he had chosen the right partner for the job. "I have brought APA in as a partner with Encore Broadcast Solutions for a number of my larger integration House of Worship projects where audio is so important. This project included not only audio but also a full high definition video system. The church is very happy with the outcome and we are as well. Craig Beyrooti of APA is the best sound designer that I enjoy working with although many other companies have asked me to include them in our projects. I can sleep at night knowing that Craig and the team at Atlantic Pro Audio are working on my projects. I appreciate APA and look forward to many more large audio projects to work together on," he stated.

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